Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sein und Werden, Summer 2007

We're a bit far into Autumn now, but the summer issue of S&E, 'Rejectamenta', is still available.

Editors Rachel Kendall and Spyros Heniadis take us through a beguiling literary/artistic jungle full of bizarre sideshows that looked for a shortcut, exotic literary plants that drank the wrong liquid and poisonous species hiding in the branches.

Sein und Werden is getting better, wilder, more ambitious each time. This issue is a rough, relentless, perplexing, worthwhile collection of literary slaps, from the stylistic exercise performed by Juliet Cook, who offers a poem and then its "office" version, to Matina L. Stalakis's and Spyros Henidadis's "automatic writing" poems, from Corinne Holmberg's all-encompassing "Things I Have Put in My Mouth" to the absurdist/existentialist/Dadaist "bedrock" by Michael Loughrey, from J.J. Steinfeld's postmodern/nouveau roman/surrealistic story of a man haunted by a firing squad... to all the rest.

Get it while you can.

And since it'll leave you wanting more, have a look at the online Autumn issue, too!

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